Banana Bread

How to make dog treats

Prep Time: 10 mins

Cook Time: 25 mins

Dairy-free Servings: 4 mini loaves


1 cup oat flour (DIY tip: Pulse rolled oats in the food processor for about a minute to make your own.)

1 cup all-purpose or whole wheat flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

½ teaspoon baking soda

1 pinch salt

1 cup milk (We used unsweetened coconut milk. You could use any dog-friendly milk or even just water.)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 ripe bananas (You can roast them up a bit in the oven first for a little extra caramelization.)

1 egg


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Grease 4 mini loaf pan molds well.

3. Measure dry ingredients into a large mixing bowl and blend thoroughly with a fork.

4. In a smaller bowl, mash the bananas and wet ingredients until smooth.

5. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and stir with a fork just to combine.

6. Pour the batter into greased loaf pans, about a 1/4 cup per loaf.

7. Bake until a knife inserted comes out pretty clean and the top and sides have a nice color to them. 

Final thoughts: This bread was a huge hit with my dogs. I also ate an entire load with honey. 

Did the dogs love it? There was so much of it leftover. I gave the dogs slices of the bread with each of their meals and even crumbled some as a topped on their kibble. 

See the recipe originally published on Kiki’s Canine Kitchen