Welcome to PlayDates4Dogs! Or as we warmly refer to it, PD4D.

The journey has been long, difficult, and curvy, but at the end of the day, isn’t that what’s to be expected of any start-up? The idea for the company started a while ago when David and I were having one of our typical “business brain storming” sessions. He had just adopted a puppy, Beanie, a beautiful Labrador and the discussion somehow turned to Beanie needing to find some playmates. Anyone who’s had a puppy knows, they constantly need to socialize and release some of that puppy energy. We ran through some thoughts, came up with the idea for an app… let’s create a social community where dogs and their owners can find other dogs and their owners to do just this. After this initial brain blowing idea, we couldn’t be stopped. What else do dogs and their owners need?… a directory for all things dog owners look for, an emergency “lost dog” network, a schedule of events for dogs and their owners… and thus the idea for PD4D was born.

Shortly thereafter, I mentioned it to another buddy of mine, AC, a marketing guru and proud puppy owner. Not only has he had faithful puppy companions for the past 25 years, but he loved the idea. The thought of bringing a like-minded community of dog owners together was hit a nerve and he had to jump on board.

Fast forward a year or so (we won’t bore you with development time, discussions and late night phone calls and marketing strategy) and here we are.

Our launch day!

We couldn’t be happier or prouder with what we are bringing you today. We hope you will find it as dog-tastic as we do (be prepared for a bunch of corny phrases).

We want the site and app to be easy to navigate, fun to use, informative, helpful, and a whole bunch of other things that are available now or will become available in the future. Our “Lost Dog” feature will hopefully help all dog owners find their lost loved ones!

We want to create a fun company. One people will want to come work for. A company built on sound fundamentals (I just realized that word begins with fun! How cool?).
A company with work-life balance.
We want to be the dog lovers “go to” place for all that is dogs.
It may take some time, but with your help, and our desire to create something truly special, we believe we can get there.
The term “Open Door Policy” is something used in business to impress upon workers that all managers and executives are available to them.

We want to use that term so that you know we are here for you. This is your community. Our goal is to address your needs and wants as it relates to the care and well being of your furry friends/companions.

So if you have a thought on something we can add or something we can improve, let us know.

My blogs going forward will provide some insight into all things that can help you and your pet navigate your lives together. Our online forum allows you the pet owner to post questions and give answers on any topic you and your furry loved one encounter.

So please, come in, look around, make some friends, and have fun!
Bark atcha later.
Mitch “top dog” Allen

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